Well, for all of you who are courious about how
big the crowds are for the millionaire thing, let me
fill you in.
I went to the 7pm DC meeting,
and let me say that it was anything if not completely
unorganized. First of all, disregard the whole no lines till 1
hour before thing; I got there at 530 and was about
the 30th person in line. Not only that, but there
were accidentally two lines!!!! Anyway, a mad rush
ensued, and I got to go in. However, let me say that I
feel if you get there around an hour before, you get
in guaranteed. When it was 6, there were only about
100 people there. Also, they ask on the leaflet if
you've played quizbowl before. I asked the lady if it
had any bearing if we said yes or no, and she said it
wouldn't. I believe her, but she would say the same thing
even if they did discriminate based on
Note, being in quizbowl does not help at all. Some of
those fast finger thingies are just blind guessing
(sign language!), and it helps if you're into
For those of you interested, let's just say I'm
staying home October 20th between the hours of
Hey GW people: doesn't my writing style completely
contradict how I talk?