*yes*, it so very much does...
definitely agree re/the "absolute lack of logistics" part; I
was there at about 5 o'clock, at which point there
were about 10 of us at the designated corner of the
hotel. One of the women working for Millionaire came out
and told us that we were not allowed to line up until
6 - but at 6, would in fact have to be AT THAT SAME
CORNER. So I assumed all I would have to do was stake out
a spot as close to the corner as possible while
staying off hotel property. It's just that then, they
decided "hey, let's switch the line-up point without
telling anyone". So instead of a mad rush and me having
to use my mad karate skillz (R), I would up having
to walk down to where the line was formed - the line
which now suddenly became official. From there on, we
just wound up waiting a LOT, doing that test thing,
(thank you, oh lord of quiz shows, for the amount of
"arrange these 1980's events in chronological order"
questions), then waiting some more, then doing the
"interview" (no I did *not* push my uber-animefreak side *too
much), and now waiting for the phone call...