WARNING #1: Those who can't separate the message from the messenger will gain nothing from this. Stop reading now. WARNING #2: Those who are easily offended may not want to read this. Consider yourself warned. Events of tonight have brought to mind a disturbing thought for me. Our society -- and no matter what anyone may argue, quizbowl is a society -- seems to have tons of pent-up emotion stuck in it. People hold grudges against one another over the stupidest things. Eventually, they boil over, and chaos results. Before I go any further, I must state that I know of my own guilt in this matter. It is no secret that in the past, I have been very confrontational and controversial. I'm sorry. I wasn't in my right mind then, and while it's no excuse, I can assure you I've changed. I'd like to think other people have. Just to take examples based on my experience, I have been cursed at, yelled at, threatened with bodily harm, and threatened with a lawsuit. All of these occurred on more than one occasion, solely based on my connections through this game we play. None of it is appropriate. We as a community -- and I include myself -- harbor some form of festering hatred. ACF people hate CBI people; CBI people hate circuit people; NAQT people dislike ACF's policies; ACF people think NAQT taints the game. Spite isn't just a vocabulary word, it's a way of life for some; how else can you explain an otherwise sane man like John Edwards holding Harvest Bowl against Shawn Pickrell some four plus years after the fact? I know that 90% of the people who play this game play for fun and are friendly to everyone. It's to that goal that I strive; I still play for fun, and my ability to be friendly is at least my goal, if not the result. I wonder why others play. Some for the winning, some for the travel, whatever your reason, is it enough to make you angry? We all have opinions, true; but there's a nice way to phrase them, and most of us don't bother to find it. Trashtalk may be sent in good fun, but your image isn't helped. All of us just need to cool off and remember that it's an activity that fills at most 2-3 nights a week. Is it worth getting angry over? This circuit needs an emotional enema. People need to stop being angry. People need to stop holding grudges for actions that occurred months ago. People need to stop playing solely to win, to the point where all else is a disappointment. In short, CHILL OUT! It's only a game, right? Right? Andy Goss Replies to this can be sent to apg_at_...
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