<cut> >Events of tonight have brought to mind a disturbing thought for me. Our society -- and no >matter what anyone may argue, quizbowl is a society -- seems to have tons of pent-up >emotion stuck in it. People hold grudges against one another over the stupidest things. >Eventually, they boil over, and chaos results. <cut> >Just to take examples based on my experience, I have been cursed at, yelled at, >threatened with bodily harm, and threatened with a lawsuit. All of these occurred on >more than one occasion, solely based on my connections through this game we play. >None of it is appropriate. I think some things that need to be said are, "What the hell happened last night?" and "What did you do that made you get threatened with a lawsuit?" That's not a very typical qb experience. Perhaps you don't think it was appropriate, but people usually don't do something so drastic without good reason. You're not still harassing girls on the circuit, are you? I've only been yelled or cursed at a few times during six years of playing, and I usually deserved it. It takes a lot to piss most qb folks off to the point that they get physically violent. >We as a community -- and I include myself -- harbor some form of festering hatred. ACF >people hate CBI people; CBI people hate circuit people; NAQT people dislike ACF's >policies; ACF people think NAQT taints the game. Spite isn't just a vocabulary word, it's >a way of life for some; how else can you explain an otherwise sane man like John >Edwards holding Harvest Bowl against Shawn Pickrell some four plus years after the >fact? ACF people don't hate CBI people, they just take pity on them ;) But seriously, ACF and NAQT people don't hate each other; both groups want the other to succeed, since diversity and choice are important to the circuit. The notion of the groups being bitter enemies is a rather tired cliche, as is the one that ACF players despise trash tournaments. As for Harvest Bowl, 1) you weren't there, and 2) yes, it really was _that_ bad. (BTW, younger players can check the MAQT web page for a Harvest Bowl extravaganza). Spite is good sometimes, and friendly, competitive spite between teammates often makes the best teams on the circuit. Dave
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