Ah, Negs. While I, as a lowly college freshman,
have not made any significant screw-ups on the college
level (especially considering that the school I'm
currently at doesn't actually have a QB team-- yet ;), My
high school experience is just chock-full of really,
really STUPID answers.
My personal favorite
was one from the NU Wildcat Invite last year, where
an English Lit question featured a character who has
a heart attack at the end of his play, mainly as a
result of losing his daughter. I knew it was
Shakespeare, and was about 90% sure based on this evidence
that it was King Lear, so I buzzed in at this point.
As I'm buzzing in, the moderator says the word
"lawsuit." This is not a good thing. My response changed
from "King Lear" to "Uh...guhh...guhh..." as I attempt
to come up with SOMETHING. Even "No answer" would
have made me look semi-respectable. Alas, I failed.
(At which point I was pelted by pads of paper from my
teammates, who had all just read Merchant of Venice and knew
that the right answer was actually
Brad =8-)P