Aaron: << Our best: Answering "A
circumcision" when handed a picture of a Burgher of Calais and
asked "What is depicted here?" The guy had some sort of
implement in his hand, which was placed near his crotch.
That visual bonus question (from GLRAC 1998 finals)
asked to identify the piece of art, asking specifically
what is being represented by the photo (though
admittedly not in those words). It was one of the Burghers
of Calais by Rodin, as captured as a postcard from
the National Gallery of Art (I
Considering that the team was State College (Aaron [Yale Jr],
Mike C-P [Princeton Jr], Cathy V [Penn State So], and
Jacob [Princeton Fr]) and how impressive they had been
all that year [winning PACE NSC and Chip's DC
Buzz-a-Rama over James Island], that specific wrong answer
remains as part of the legacy for the history of our HS
tournament too [as listed as one of our team's "Memorable
Answers Hall of Shame" (meant tongue-in-cheek)] . :)