As of Tuesday night, I have the following teams
down for the NAQT IFT this weekend:
of South Florida (1 DI, 1 DII; 1 buzzer, 1
Florida Atlantic (1 DI, 1 DII)
Vanderbilt (1 DI, 1-2
University of Florida (1 DI, 2 DII)
Florida State
Wofford (?)
Wake Forest (1 DII)
Furman (1
Emory (1 DII)
Florida C.C. - Jacksonville
University of Georgia (1 DII)
Clemson (2 DII; 3 buzzers,
1 clock)
Georgia Tech (1 DI, 1 DII)
Berry (1
DI, 1 DII?)
Vandy, Florida State, Wofford,
and FCCJ, please confirm the number of teams you'll
be sending and their divisions. Everyone, please let
me know ASAP if you can bring any buzzers, clocks,
and/or readers, or if this information needs
New improved directions to the tournament
site will be e-mailed to teams sometime tomorrow.