Craig wrote:
>I finally get to use my
polisci geekdom for
>good rather than to annoy,
even if I did have to
> explain "butterfly
ballot" and 270 to my
> students five times
Okay, I'll bite. What *does* it mean? Can I change my
vote to one for _Junonia coenia_? I mean, it's more
photogenic than Gore, smarter than Bush, and as
environmentally tuned in as Nader. What more could one
> Oh also, the Martin and Lewis reunions were less
> awkward than Bill and Hillary last night
on stage in NY?
The best one, though, was
watching Dan Rather stumble and stammer like a freshman on
sinsemilla. It was especially funny when he was poking that
cool retro touchscreen with the end of a pencil -- and
missing. Kind of made me miss Cronkite a bit, but then
again, senescence will do that to you.