Trust me, those Palm Beach ballots were not
nearly as easy to read as it appears on TV, especially
in the graphic representations of the ballot. The
people I know who screwed up their votes didn't realize
the facing page was part of the same race. It's like
forgetting to look on the back of a test -- it happens
(especially if you're late for work or something like that).
And again, it may have only happened to one in every
few hundred voters, but that's enough to have
potentially affected the outcome of the presidency. I doubt
it'll be overturned in any way, but it could open the
door to a legal can of worms, or at least open some
loopholes for ... er, creative ballot structuring in local
elections. Regardless of all that, I'd certainly agree that
it's a great time to be teaching social sciences.
Gives me some great final exam material if I run out of
--Raj Dhuwalia, adding that all this
would be moot if Gore had won his own damn state!