I think we have a very good candidate now. There
is no reason why we should not trust the country to
elect our President directly. Few cared until now
because for the last 112 years it was not an
After hearing him defend the Electoral College as "a
protection against the tyranny of the majority," I shudder
to think that Bill Bennett was once our Secretary of
Education. Now, had the situation been reversed, I'm sure
that someone like Paul Begala would have made exactly
the same argument, but I am also sure that Bill
Bennett would be blasting the College, so the point is
that most of the "pundits" speak out of gross
partisanship instead of intelligence or truth.
P.S. As for Palm Beach, whereas Buchanan received
about 0.3% statewide, under proper circumstances he
would have earned about 0.003% in that area. To most
Jews (of which I understand that area has a very high
percentage), a vote for Buchanan is about a step up from a
vote for Adolf Hitler.