The highlight of my day today was NOT the
political cluster fuck so many of you have taken the time
and energy to comment on, but reading the names of
the teams for the Oklahoma TRASH tournament.
Congrats. I was truly impressed, they put a smile on my
face - a face which has turned to stone in the last 48
hours on account of being subjected to "expert
political analysis" by... well, everyone. Life from
November 6 - the present has been like sitting in the
stands at a Little League Baseball game in the sense
that everyone seems to be the world's foremost expert
on the subject. Just relax. You'll know who the
President is soon enough. And I fully understand that
political dialogue is important to some of you... to me,
just thinking of about a theory or the situation is
enough. I don't need to prove my analytical skills to
anyone, at least yet. Want my political analysis? Didn't
think so, but here it is anyway: Nader lost.
so much everyone.