I'm also a Green, but voted for Gore. For me, Nader was the best choice, but I found myself torn between my ideals and reality. Ideals are for heaven. Reality rules on Earth. Ergo, I voted for Gore, because out of ALL the democrats in the whole freakin' party, Gore was probably the most radical environmentalist of the bunch (unfortunately the Clinton administration kept ignoring him in a futile attempt to get Congress to compromise on other issues). Also a reality (if Bush wins)is that large tracts of the Alaskan wilderness will be opened up for oil drilling and another four years will go by (two with repub. majority in congress AND a relatively un-progressive Supreme Court) that will see rampnat environmental neglect and damage and other concerns of many Greens go unaddressed. I know that Nader might want to take some classic revolutionary stand that worse=more attention for the cause, but I'm not willing to pay that price. On the one hand, Gore only needed to draw a few thousand, let a lone half (acc. to Kristin's numers re: how many might have voted for Gore) of the FL Naderites votes to win the election. Like three thousand out of 94,000. But lets not forget that up until the last 48 hours of the campaign, Gore stank. If he wasn't able to beat someone so utterly incompetant as Bush, he deserved to lose. In the end, though Nader certainly had an impact, the election would not have been so close in the first place had Gore not been such a bad politician. I can hear it now: "I promise to descend and prefect the Constipation of the United Slates...to the best of my debility..." ;-)
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