Kristin said:
<<PS. As regards the
Florida situation -- I think it's obvious that there was
a problem with the Palm Beach ballot; MSNBC showed
how the ballot looked once it was put in the voting
machine, and it was almost impossible to tell which arrow
lined up with which hole. And they've had so many
interviews with people who are just horrified that they
inadvertantly voted for Pat Buchanan. That just isn't right,
and since it does make a difference -- Bush currently
leads Gore by less than 800 votes! -- I think that
county should get to vote again. >>
for that puts that county at a distinct advantage.
They already know the essential results of the
election on a national scale. Their vote would actually
count more than a regular vote, which, while it
shouldn't matter, makes a revote inherently unfair. My
argument, and the standing argument of the social studies
department I work in is simple, the election is over, all
that remains is the counting.
And lest we
forget, a bi-partisan commission approved that ballot, a
ballot that has been used for 20 years without issue. If
you can't figure out the ballot machine, that is your
problem, not America's. The ballot had been in the local
paper, so it wasn't a surprise. That's my two cents,
take it for what it's worth.