shawn_pickrell writes:
> Mr Beall is making
$$$ off of lifting copyrighted material from (1) the
> (2) Jeopardy desk calendars (3) etc etc. If we
can prove that plagiarism from
> Jeopardy
questions and/or paraphernalia has occurred, I am certain
> would LOVE to know this. B/C I know they have
copyrighted their materials.
A few years ago a friend
of mine set up an Internet trivia game that
the Jeopardy! format and even the Jeopardy name.
After it was
written up in a national newspaper, he
got a nasty letter from lawyers
for Sony (yes,
Sony). Once he changed the name and slightly
the format of the game, he didn't hear from them
again. But the
allegations against Questions
Unlimited look far more serious.
> 5. Judges. His "crack team of professionals"
consisted of a Russian immigrant, a
> country music
DJ from Kentucky, and his own son (I think...his
name was Scott
> Beall). I kid you
Since we don't know anything else about these people,
how do any of
these characteristics disqualify
them as being members of what can
reasonably be
called a "crack team of professionals"?