>>Since we don't know anything else about
these people, how do any of
these characteristics
disqualify them as being members of what can
be called a "crack team of professionals"?
When I say "judge" I mean this in the very
loosest sense of the word. What the judge basically does
is hit a button for a right answer, and blow a horn
at the end of the round. All protests fielded are
basically done by Beall himself. The problems I had, and
why I addressed this point, are the ridiculous
superlatives on his website, calling them "the greatest judges
in the world" or some other such nonsense, when in
reality they just happened to be whoever was hanging
around that could smack a button and blow a whistle.
Sincere apologies to all Russian immigrants, country
western DJs, and relatives of Chip Beall if
Matt Lafer
Plymouth Salem High School Quiz Bowl