Shawn wrote: "Only problem is that Chip uses the
archive as one of many sources. I am sure that Chip
writes 70-80% of his Q's from various sources such as
the Cambridge Encyclopaedia (sorry Rob :), and the
such. I know I do ;)"
I'm just wondering if this
is the same Cambridge Encyclopaedia that we have
over here - one volume, 1300-odd pages? If so, I must
confess that, despite loyalties and all that, I use it
The reason that I raise the point (and the related
discussion!) is that I find it to be insufficiently deep in
its coverage for the setting of decent standard
questions - I'd use it for our punter-infested IM (the
Oxford Inter-Collegiate Quiz, as we call it) but not for
anything more serious. Personally, I use Britannica and
specialist works more often than generalist one-volume
(who is bemused by the whole plagiarism discussion
going on, as the only person I have to plagiarise is
myself :-) )