<<I'm just wondering if this is the same
Cambridge Encyclopaedia that we have over here - one
volume, 1300-odd pages? If so, I must confess that,
despite loyalties and all that, I use it
why yes it is. i also have a nice little 700-page
tome that proclaims itself the oxford concise
encyclopaedia as well.
<<The reason that I raise
the point (and the related discussion!) is that I
find it to be insufficiently deep in its coverage for
the setting of decent standard questions - I'd use it
for our punter-infested IM (the Oxford
Inter-Collegiate Quiz, as we call it) but not for anything more
serious. Personally, I use Britannica and specialist works
more often than generalist one-volume
well for high school level questions of a shorter
variety, the one-volume works can provide enough facts for
a 2-sentence question or provide inspiration to do
research on the web.
--regards, shawn