This is more than just a rambling. This is a set of newsy-related events. You're welcome. First, I was senior official (meaning the oldest person on staff) at the Thomas Jefferson Invitational "Academic" Tournament. The quotes are my own, as the TJI"A"T had more than its fair share of trashy questions in it, but then again the school wrote their own stuff. Even so, you'd think that the alleged fine tradition started by Andrew Yaphe and continued by Mike McElroy, Ryan Gunderson, Joon Pahk (had he played in high school), Ben Letzler, and myself would clue these people in that they should write less stuff about Star Wars and rap and more about mythology. But I'm ranting... The tournament itself was attended by 66 teams (I report this number for NAQT and PACE's benefit). The top four spots were: 1: Georgetown Day School 2: C.D. Hylton High School 3: Eleanor Roosevelt High School 4: Richard Montgomery High School I think all four are eligible for PACE... at least, that's what I said... I mean, if 66 isn't enough teams, what the heck is? In other news, we have 15 teams (I think) signed up for the Duke MLK Academic Festival on January 13. They are high schools from as far away as Georgia and New York (!). We appear to lose Virginia due to some state championship thingy, but I think we can make 20-25 teams anyway, which for us would be spectacular. Meanwhile, preparations for Tobacco Bowl v1.1, our first (?) foray into hosting a college tournament (assuming we forget that thing last year), are in full swing. Wake Forest and Virginia have signed up already, and I hope other schools take the opportunity. If enough teams show up, *we'll actually hold the event*. :) In other Triangle news, it appears Grayson Holmes, UNC's contact, is off to Italy to study for a semester. The new email contact is hkjohnso_at_..., so please be advised to change your address books for the semester. Finally, I have been trying to get in touch with Julie Singer, who is supposedly somewhere on campus this year. I know she sent me an email earlier, but in my naivete I forwarded it to Navin for safekeeping, then deleted it, figuring I could always contact him for it. I say "naivete" because, well, now I'm here and need to talk to her about helping read for our tournaments, and I don't have it. ANYWAY, if any MAQTers or others that I haven't completely pissed off yet happen to have her contact info, could they please send it to me at apg_at_..., and I would be much obliged. That's all from Washington. Andy Goss Duke University Loudmouth Somehow in Charge of Something
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