Thanks for your prompt replies to my emails. Very
few people have actually flat-out said they're
coming, but it looks like we'll have:
of California at Irvine (one team)
State University (one team)
Stanford University
(one or two teams, but since Subash only has one
packet, probably one team)
California Institute of
Technology (one or two teams)
Harvey Mudd College (as
many teams as they can get to walk across the
University of California at Berkeley (Actually, they have
not told me that they're coming, but since Subash has
two packets from them, I'm making an
Exhibition team from Silicon Age (Your record against them
will not count for standings.)
If there's
anyone I've missed or if anyone would still like to
come, remember that the packet deadline is Dec 31 to
turn it in without a monetary penalty.
See you
in January!
Nancy Williams