I am posting this notice on behalf of Mike Altman
mbaltman_at_..., the tournament director for ACF MidWest at the
University of Chicago. He sent a couple of announcements to
the QB-list, but they have not appeared for whatever
Chicago will be hosting ACF Regionals on the weekend of
Jan. 19-20, 2001. It has not yet been determined
whether this will be a Fri.-Sat. or just Sat. event.
The best news is that there will free Giordano's
pizza for lunch on Saturday as in years past. This is
plenty of reason to come.
Mike will post a more
comprehensive announcement to the QB-list in a day or two,
which I'll post here. Until then, to register, for
directions, hotel info, or any other stuff e-mail Mike Altman
Subash Maddipoti