Science This category comprises biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, earth sciences, math, computer science, and engineering. No more than one tossup and one bonus should be in a given category; no more than three questions in the whole category should ask on the history of science. Trite science questions (Name the element/C++ operator from symbol; periodic table chess/go/stragego) will bring their authors ridicule. History Distribute questions evenly in both geography and chronology. No more than 1/1 questions may ask on military history. Minor emphasis may be given to North American and European history but is not necessarily encouraged. Literature Vary by language, chronology, idiom, genre, and authorship. Minor emphasis may be given to North American and European history but is not necessarily encouraged. Fine arts This category includes visual, auditory, and culinary arts, with strong emphasis on the first two. Vary by cultural origin and chronology; be aware of non-classical idioms in music. No more than one question in this category should concern theory of art; no more than two should ask on history of art nor biographies of artists. Religion/Myth/Philosophy Include at least one each of philosophy, religion, and mythology, and no more than two of any of them. Vary the religion and mythology questions by origin. If you have two philosophy questions, they should be from different time periods. Social Sciences This category constitutes geography, economics, sociology, anthropology, psychology, law, political science, and linguistics. At least one, and preferrably two, of the questions should be in geography; none of the above should have more than one tossup or bonus. Theory is encouraged at the expense of biography. Furthermore, questions on the Pareto optimality are strongly discouraged. Current Events This category includes things currently in the news likely to become significant historical events; questions about the latest celebrity gossip belong in the pop culture category. Make sure some of the current events questions are about countries other than the U.S.; furthermore, questions on the recent electoral confusion and its unfortunate consequences are discouraged in light of their popularity. Popular Culture This category includes but is not limited to sports and games; and film, music, television, and literature outside the fine arts. At most two of the questions should be on sports, and those should be in different sports; no more than two should come from any of the other categories. General knowledge This category includes questions on any topic above. Other stipulations All boni shall be worth a potential 30 points and no more. So called "FAQTP" questions are forbidden. Tossups should not exceed 400 characters (5 lines of 80-character width). No questions shall ask players to spell answers Binary and ternary bonus questions are prohibited. Multiple-choice questions with more than three choices, if used at all, should be kept to an absolute minimum; this includes questions of the style "a, b, both, or neither." While so-called "ordering" bonus questions (e.g. Put the following events in order from earliest to latest) are not expressly prohibited, we strongly discourage their use. We are not prohibiting four, five or six-part bonus questions expressly; however, if you use them, each part, outside of the lead-in, should be one word or short title and request a brief answer. Do not send single-part, single-answer bonus questions. A bonus can be single-part but multiple answer, such as asking for a list, or multiple-part but single-answer, as in "30-20-10" questions. Submit packets to trivia_at_....
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