Four teams have yet to respond to their invites
to compete in 2001: A TRASHionals Oddity, to be held
March 30-April 1, 2001 at Northwestern University at
Evanston, Illinois. These teams have until January 15th,
2001 (that's tomorrow folks :) ) at 11:59:59 PM ET to
accept or reject their invites.
The four teams
who must respond by 1/15 to accept or reject their
invites are...
Georgia B
One team has rejected its
invite, so we will have at least one and up to five wild
card teams participating in TRASHionals. As in
previous years, wild cards will be awarded on a
first-come, first-serve basis.
If you want to be
considered for a wild card, e-mail me by January 15th at
11:59:59pm ET.
We also have one free agent on the
list...if you're interested in a free agent, or if you're
interested in becoming a free agent yourself, e-mail
James Dinan
Business Manager, TRASH