Speaking in regards to monarchs, it is important
for the writer and editor to provide the moderator
with enough information to properly ajudicate the
question. In addition, we need to protect players who give
uniqely identifying and correct
Buzzing early with "Mad King Ludwig", when the clue
appears later in the question, should be acceptable - and
it is good practice for writers to include this as a
moderator's note.
The same should apply for an early
buzzes like "Charles the Bald" for Charles II of France
or "Harold Godwinson" for Harold II of England.
Correct answers should be judged as such, even if they
aren't exactly what is on the page.
In the
absence of any direction, the moderator should at least
prompt. Ideally, these types of problems can be lessened
if the writers and TD's do some checking up
beforehand. Unfortunately, these often fall to the moderator
to decide.