First, a general congratulations to everyone at
WUAT who ran the GIT yesterday. It went on schedule
(even 30 min ahead for the first 6 rounds!) and was
great fun. People in the club might be interested if
you posted the results here.
Second, a note
about sportsmanship, and how to do it. Dave Murphy,
captain of Oklahoma A, who went 14-0 and beat everyone
soundly yesterday (including one win over our team by
almost 600 points), conducted himself and his team in a
manner that all other teams should emulate. He was as
humble in a humiliating victory over our squad as I have
ever seen anyone be, and has been a supporter of our
program since its inception a little more than a year
ago. To all of us who know Dave, congratulate he and
his teammates on a great win yesterday and watch how
he conducts himself -- we can all learn
Stan Jastrzebski, President, DUCKS Quiz Bowl