<< the current system which is the ultimate in black box technology.>> The analogy for the current system is probably NCAA March Madness. Some people get automatic bids, and some of these automatic bids probably won't do so well. A bunch of numbers go in to the committee. The committee spits out a numerical rank, and tweaks the rankings by consideration of region, schedule, missing players, forfeit losses due to lateness, etc. Some undeserving teams will get in. Some deserving teams will stay out. <<(Also I believe ICT holders and ICT hosts should get automatic bids just like the World Cup as well.)>> I would agree, and would suggest that any team considering a host bid make this a condition for their bid. <<This will prevent very good programs from getting screwed b/c their good players are moderating at the SCT and prevent hosts who do not belong from taking a spot from a more deserving team. (Perhaps SCT hosts ought to be placed first on the waiting list?) The $$$ obtained and the program prestige added should be enough to continue a steady supply of hosts.>> Well, I can conjecture that some teams put in a bid to host an SCT solely because they want the automatic host bid, and that the number of SCT host bids would decline if it were not given. There are schools capable of qualifying multiple teams which choose not to submit a bid, because it endangers the second or third bid, be it D1 or D2. Anthony, who thinks that the cool FIFA model for someone to imitate would be divisions assigned by geographically constrained random draw with preset seeds.
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