Shawn: << Just out of curiousity, why are admissions fees charged to tournaments? If so, why are the fees much higher than the fees charged to/by high school tournaments? >> While most people are providing the answer that college teams have more costs to deal with and the benefit of packet-submission discounts, I also have one other perspective on this... With the exception of a handful of comps, I don't get as many teams for a college competition than a high school competition. If I'm lucky, the two college comps we run in April [PLUG FOR Bachelors and Don King tournaments HERE] will have 18 teams in attendance. We get no fewer than 30 HS teams for any of our competitions (HSCS, Buzz, and GLRAC). Basically put, if I put a value on my time, my value per team is higher for college comps than high school comps. Consequently, my entry fees for college comps are higher because there is less of a guarantee that I will break even financially or intangibly. This doesn't include the "headache" factor, which I have found to be many-fold greater for college competitions than high school competitions for some reason. That's not to say we will flat-out charge everyone who comes. If a team has financial difficulties because it is a relatively new program, the contact is very free to contact me for some sort of cushion to allow them to attend for a decreased amount. We also consider discounts to teams that travel to Cleveland to help us consistently with our HS competitions; a most notable example is the Bowling Green State University team which comes to all college competitions we run here for free.
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