>>Just out of curiousity, why are
admissions fees charged to tournaments? If so, why are the
fees much higher than the fees charged to/by high
school tournaments? <<
95% of high school
teams only need money for entrance fees. Except for
teams which try to be competitive on a national level,
a high school team in many areas can go to one or
more tournaments every month by one-day car trip.
Collegiate teams need to use other modes of transportation
or at least stay overnight due to the spread of
locations. Hence they need more money, and if they raise
their money from hosting...
well-funded program should charge no admission fees to any of
its tournaments. Other programs should charge fees
which are commesurate with the level of funding that
program receives. <<
I don't think anyone's
THAT well-funded. Every program could use more money
for something. If nothing else, having an entrance
fee allows for early-packet discounts.