Region 1 is always competitive and this year is
no exception, although we (Dartmouth) are looking
with high possibilties of pulling off upsets as this
is our best format. I look forward to the
competition this weekend (is Harvard coming for sure? Last
time I checked they didn't know...)
That said,
the real reason for this post is to second Mark
Coen's cry for a minimum game requirement. We paid our
$600 for questions and our $110 for regionals last
year, only to play five rounds (of which we won three
by almost 300 points each and lost two (Providence,
BU) by about 100 each) and be on our way back to
Hanover. While funding is less of an issue for us then
most schools, this still was a huge waste of money. I
would have liked to have been able to play more rounds
for my buck.
Unlike the schools that complain
about CBI's questions, we really do like the CBI format
and enjoy playing, but it would be even better if we
got more of a chance to play.