Edmund, find Debra Watson on the Gallaudet staff;
she works with the HS tournament that Gallaudet puts
on for deaf HS teams nationwide, and she may have
some suggestions. I don't have her e-mail now,
I know that Gallaudet runs their HS events by
putting each question on a single PowerPoint slide and
then revealing the question all at once, changing the
screen the instant someone buzzes so there's less chance
of someone buzzing immediately and then reading the
question in the 3 seconds before their time runs out. This
still puts a premium on speed-reading--and requires
extra staff in each room.
They also put each
bonus question on one slide; the speed is less of an
issue, but the questions are all still pretty short
(telegrams, in fact, compared to most ACF
In fact, they put their HS tournament out for bids
this year. After writers (including me) saw the work
involved and bid it accordingly, Gallaudet happily went
back to producing their own material.
It would
be fun and educational to have a deaf team play--but
the logistics will definitely be a