Matt W. wrote:
<<dropping the
articulating moderator entirely in games
involving the
hearing-impaired school.>>
The reason why I don't
want to do this has to do with the implicit
assumptions of tournament operation. In a league tournament,
one that qualifies teams for a higher-level event (in
this case, states for nationals), it is necessary, in
order that the schedule be fair, that there be an
isotropism within the schedule -- that is to say, that each
team is tested equally against all its opponents. This
implies that all the teams hear roughly the same level of
questions with roughly the same moderation. If you make a
radical change in the way one team or one set of games
goes, my concern is that that set of games would no
longer be comparable to the others -- and, especially in
a field like MD/DC high school, that could be very
very bad. That's why I want to stay as close to the
official rules as possible -- and the official rules
demand a moderator.