Just to throw in my 15,000 Turkish lire: Has anybody considered a more "low-tech" solution? If you run a projector that's hooked up to a computer, all that's really necessary is for someone to "white out" all the text in a word processor file--and delete all the answers! Then, the same principle that the words are "revealed" one at a time would apply: just have someone reveal the words by highlighting them. This, of course, has the disadvantage that somebody else has to sit there and uncover the words at the same rate as the moderator, and it would place rather taxing demands on the moderator--he or she would have to proceed at a rather regular pace, which can be difficult. On the other hand, the advantages are that the solution can easily be implemented, and it doesn't "bulk up" the size of the files. The only other suggestion is that whoever eventually staffs that room should have plenty of practice time in the room before the start of the game. Additionally, I agree that it is essential that teams that rotate through the room need to have a chance to adjust to the style of play with several warmup tossups. --AEI P.S. As for when to reveal the words, the best advice is to reveal the word when it becomes obvious to everyone what the word actually is. So "superfluous" might not have to be revealed until "-flu-."
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