As a communications major (we don't have
"journalism", as such, otherwise I'd be that), I'd like to say
that we comm majors bring several things to the
1. The major is easy, leaving us time to do things
like write questions and keep up with news and other
things that make us more knowledgeable.
2. We
provide good questions on comm theory (myself and Renita
Leichty, another comm major on the team, wrote a couple
for our tourney in December.) Marshall McLuhan comes
up every so often, as well.
Also, those of us
who chose small schools over larger journalism
schools (i.e. me picking DPU over Mizzou and a couple
others) have TIME for things other than our jounalistic
pursuits. When I interviewed at Mizzou, the dean of the
J-school told me I should get a girlfriend for my first
two years and then dump her before my junior year, as
I'd have time for nothing but journalism. I told him
to have a nice day.
Stan J.