I played Scholar's Bowl and Bible Bowl in high
school, and started college this past year. Although I
would like to start a quiz bowl program at my
university, I have serious reservations about college quiz
bowl that may make me change my mind.
forward-thinking people recognize that evolution is a
FUNDAMENTALLY FLAWED THEORY, supported by made up evidence and
a scientific establishment closed to rational
thought. I had hoped that college quiz bowl questions
would understand this, and that the "science" questions
would expose evolution for the fraud that it
But unfortunately, quiz bowl science questions reward
only those who have turned their backs on God. Why are
there no questions on the true story of creation as
told in Genesis? Why are there no questions on those
scientists who, attempting to justify the theories they knew
were lies, made up evidence rather than face the Truth
of God?
In a game that claims to reward
knowledge, those that know His TRUTH should not be punished
because their views are not shared by our God-less
-- Daniel S.