<<Many coincidences, from the Earth's
distance from the sun, to the composition of the
atmosphere, to the bringing together of inert chemicals,
etc., have occurred to allow Homo sapiens to walk this
earth. >>
You're entitled to your own
spiritual interpretation, of course, but as for these
"coincidences", I've never seen anything wrong with attributing
them to the (weak) anthropic principle. If the
universe (and on a small scale, Earth) weren't such as to
permit our existence, we wouldn't be around to wonder
about why things are a certain way.
I imagine all Christians, deists, theists and those
who believe in a God or Gods of some sort are mocked
in the atheist movement.>>
Hmm ... you
say "the atheist movement" as if it's some unitary
entity in which every member believes the same thing or
has the same goals. Atheists are just as diverse as
members of any other large, heterogeneous group of
people. I've encountered many theist-atheist interactions
in which mocking does not take place.
Matt on your post: you da man.
Doug, pantheist
pagan whose best friend is an atheist pagan