This is amusing to me. You would like to limit speech on what you do not believe and dismiss it as claptrap; when someone brings up an opposing viewpoint, you defer to ad hominem attacks such as "anti-intellectual" and "ignorant." This is intellectually lazy. I have read the entire set of FAQs, as well as this excellent list (<a href= target=new></a>) and they both make some compelling arguments. However, in cases in which they cannot explain something, they make statements like the following: "Even in the earliest days of the Big Bang theory, cosmologists recognized that one could not be sure whether conservation of energy applied prior to the Planck time (the first 1x10-43 seconds of the universe) for two reasons: (1) the conditions prior to the Planck time were so extreme that Big Bang theory itself, and indeed, all of classical physics, breaks down in that time period; (2) because of the small size of the universe prior to Planck time, quantum mechanical effects would become relevant, so in the absence of a fully developed theory of quantum gravity (a fusion of quantum mechanics and relativity) one could not know what happened in that time period. Therefore, for the conventional Big Bang theorists, all bets were off before Planck time." In other words, WE CANNOT KNOW certain things about the origins of the universe because we have no means of measuring or observing it, not to mention, these phenomena were not observable or measurable by conventional physics. So, to make speculation about it is just that--speculation. It's a bigger leap of faith to believe everything just "happened", matter sprang from non-matter, life from non-life, than it is to believe in some form of Intelligent Design. So, in effect hard-core evolution is very much like a religion. It is faith-based. However, unlike Christians who believe in religious freedom, the evolutionist religion would like to limit any speech that does not support it. Jeremy
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