<<So, in effect hard-core evolution is very much like a religion. It is faith-based. However, unlike Christians who believe in religious freedom, the evolutionist religion would like to limit any speech that does not support it.>> Asking people not to write science questions on creationism is like asking people not to write science questions on the biographies of US Supreme Court justices or the plots of Ibsen plays. The relative truth or importance of each topic is irrelevant to the fact that they are not science. Secondly, ASKING you voluntarily to follow the distribution when writing quizbowl rounds does not imply a desire to haul you off to jail for believing in creationism. Nor can the two percent atheist or less than one percent biologist population of the United States do anything to the ninety-five percent Christian population that the latter doesn't want. To even suggest that Christians in the quizbowl world or the United States as a whole suffer censorship for their beliefs is an insult to the millions of people who have sufferred tangible consequences for their religious principles throughout history. However, it's perfectly in line with the "persecution! persecution everywhere!" complex which seems to affect hardcore practitioners of every religion. The fact that the Christian population of the US is the largest and most powerful group of people with the same religion within one country in the history of the world isn't enough to stop right-wing Christian leaders from their constant assertions of Satanic conspiracies under every rock. Oh yes, and I've tried to refrain from ad hominems to this point, but your reference to a conspiracy to suppress speech by "the evolutionist religion" clearly shows that you are either getting your information from Jerry Falwell or just don't know what the words "evolution" or "religion" mean. Everything we know about the world and every comfort of modern life is due to science. Your brand of obligatory blind faith has produced nothing but wars and ignorance throughout history. If you keep insisting that everyone choose between science and religion, I know where I stand. --M.W.
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