>>* Actually, if you're Catholic, Jack
Chick has >>some other stuff to say to you before
he even >>gets to the subject of evolution,
but that's a >>whole 'nother story not worth
getting worked up >>about here.
One of my
Reach for the Top teammates (our high school equivalent
of QUiz Bowl...I don't know if you call it that in
the US) ordered a box of Chick Tracts just as a joke.
We thought the Catholic ones were hilarious, since
we went to a Catholic high school (although the RFTT
team was anything from atheist to Satanist, not
Catholic :)).
It was all very amusing for awhile,
until we figured out, hey, Chick is being
serious....but even we heathen pretend-Catholics could be
offended by him, and that was before we got to the tracts
about heathens!
And then, of course, my friend
left them around garbage cans and washrooms just like
the instructions said, but as far as we know Chick's
predictions about getting mass conversions that way never
happened. The evil Catholic influence must have been too
Adam Bishop