Nathan wrote:
> Actually, this kid
appears to be legit if you
look at his profile. The
"chick" (of Chick Tracts
fame) link is unlikely to be
known to someone not from those circles.
necessarily. Jack Chick is reasonably well known even outside
fundamentalist Christian circles; in fact, someone beat me to a
tossup on him at TRASHionals this weekend! For one
thing, his tracts have a way of turning up on college
campuses, especially in biology buildings and other such
dens of iniquity. :-) If I were going to construct an
April Fool "fundie" profile, BJU's and Jack Chick's
websites would be the first two links I'd think to place
BTW, if anyone out there really thinks
that the supposedly devout and righteous Mr. Chick
takes the ninth commandment (or for you -- gasp! --
Catholics*, the eighth) very seriously, I suggest looking up
just one of the copious footnotes in his
anti-evolution tracts. He has a most convincing way of
"supporting" his claims by citing very real articles that
actually state conclusions quite different from his
* Actually, if you're Catholic, Jack Chick has some
other stuff to say to you before he even gets to the
subject of evolution, but that's a whole 'nother story
not worth getting worked up about here.