"Glad to hear you agree. I think we could solve
this whole "Yaphe: Arrogant, Sociopathic Cocksucker or
Misunderstood, Tortured Genius?" debate merely by learning how
he says the plural of bonus."
First of all,
that's the funniest thing I've ever read on this board.
Bravo(a), whoever you are.
Second: I'm more inclined
to render the plural of "bonus" as "bonuses", since
"boni" sounds insufferable to me. For those who insist
on connecting it to its Latinate roots "bonera"
isn't bad, though it implies that it's a liquid-stem
thrid declension neuter noun similar to "genus"; as for
me, I think it would be linguistically more likely
that it would be "bonus, bonus" (4th declension
feminine), which would reflect its derivation from "bonus,
-a, -um", an adjective which in this case would
modify a feminine noun, "quasetio".
Which, I
suppose, means I'm an Arrogant, Sociopathic Cocksucker.
Sounds about right.