I've no clue where that thing is. Never did. I never even saw my individual glass plate trophy thing. Most of that stuff got handed out as prizes as later Wahoos, summer tournaments, etc. As for the travelling trophy thing, I'm sure Andrew and Dan Hodes probably kept it out of petulant spite. Actually, Andrew was probably more personally aggrieved, and Hodes was piling on. Although I don't remember Andrew ever publicly promising anything. No, I think they should have returned it, and I think they would have if CBI had waited a bit longer and bugged them more. Although, honestly I don't think you really ask because you wish to know its whereabouts, although you may be curious. No, I think that you wish to tweak Andrew or me or the team generally by suggesting, indirectly, as is your manner, that we or he or they did something wrong, and that this indicates that our point on something is wrong and your position is vindicated. And I am sure that your response to this post will be something like "Oh, I didn't mean to suggest anything like that at all. I just wanted to know where the trophy was that you all publicly promised to return. I'm sure that you all believe supremely in the importance of integrity," etc. Which is fine. It's passive aggressive and annoys a good number of people, although I think that you honestly don't intend it as such. We, and I don't know who have the right to speak collectively for so I probably should say I, would have done things differently had we known now what we do now. I for one would have never participated in your program at U.Va. For me, it was just a waste of time. I honestly thought College Bowl, and that's all I really knew of academic competition during my first year of playing, would be an intellectual exercise where I could learn all of the things that I wanted to know but had never been exposed to before. When I realized it wasn't at all during my second year, I planned on quitting for good. But then I went to quality invitationals and met people like Andrew and realized that you could learn things and be around people who were truly intellectually invigorating. I think the reason people like me got so mad at CBI, and there were lots of us, is because we thought that we had wasted time and energy when we could have been doing better things. That and the fact that CBI actually like unctuous game show producers. Now, things are better. U.Va.'s program is completely different. Players are exposed to much more, and good players like John Kenney don't have slog to through CBI for a couple of years and fight to change things because things have changed. It's not perfect now; I think the old way brought in a wider range of personalities and kept them playing. I still think there's a place for CBI; I just wish it were run and supported by people who truly understood players and could speak frankly with them. Yeah, Tom, I've read your posts for a long time now, and you always come across as a smug lackey for CBI. I guess Andrew was right about that, too. Brian
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