Very nice story, peppered with some classically
Kevinesque quotes (although the first line really summarizes
the public's very odd take on quizfolk)! They got a
few things wrong, though. Kevin doesn't live with his
mother, although she did accompany him to New York. Also,
he's Dr. Olmstead; he has a Ph.D. in
The implication that the capital of Nova Scotia would
be a "stumper" in Toledo probably has a number of
our northern Ohio brethren up in arms. Of course,
I've heard some interesting things about the Toledo
Blade. Perhaps a few -- er, burly-brained BGSU
quizbowlers should drop in to the Blade's office and have a
few words with those Peach Pages guys .
And Anthony is right. It really couldn't happen to a
nicer guy. Mine would have been among the early
"cacophony of congratulations", as Anthony put it, had
Yahoo! not eaten my first post on the subject. Kevin,
you rock!