Ahmed Ismail wrote: "Having spent this weekend going over questions from ACF Nationals, and having seen the sorts of questions that arose at NAQT Nationals, and a number of other recent tournaments, I'd have to say that not only is symphonic music not on the ascendant, but opera is entrenching itself even more than before. At the ICT, virtually all of the "classical" music questions were based on operas (I only recall three tossups and two bonuses not based on operas in the whole tournament). Similarly, in most of the ACF Nationals packets, besides good questions on Grieg and Respighi, most of the music questions were of the "identify the [usually obscure] opera from [more obscure] clues" type." Um, I'm not sure where you got your figures from ACF, but you're just plain wrong. Upon a quick count of the answers for the 15 packets at Nationals, here is the breakdown - Opera (7 TU, 6 B); Classical (7 TU, 10 B); and one bonus on Jazz. While ACF has been opera heavy in the past, that was not the case with this year's Nationals when it was in the minority in terms of total questions (13 out of 31) Regionals statistics bear this out much more clearly. Out of 18 packets - Opera (7 TU, 6 B); Classical (14 TU, 13 B); Jazz (2 TU, 1 B) - which gives opera as only 13/43 total questions. So with regards to ACF, I believe that Andrew is right and there is a move away from opera. Again Ahmed, I'm not sure where you got your figures, but your conclusion that opera is entrenching itself even more is absolutely wrong. I haven't seen the ICT questions and don't have the SCT questions on hand to check those packets, so I'm not sure about that part of your statement. Subash
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