<<It seems the QB mailing list has been by
and large surplanted by this club. It might be an
idea for R.
to shut down that list as its purpose
has been eclipsed by this
Redundancy has its purposes. First of all, e-mail can be
accessed anywhere there's a terminal; this club,
meanwhile, is rather flashy and frequently takes its sweet
time to load. While people can get posts in the club
e-mailed to them, first they need to create a Yahoo! ID,
which some people might not want to do for a number of
valid reasons, from not liking Y!'s hard-sell approach
to any number of online privacy issues.
top of that, The qb_at_silicon list can't get spammed
anonymously. This club has already been struck by the
Unaposter numerous times.
Then, on top of that,
there's that there's no compelling reason to shut the
qb_at_silicon list down. Sometimes it conks out, but it's been
in existence longer than the Y! club, it hasn't got
a corporate sponsorship (well, not really), and Y!
has its own technical issues.