Well, it's that time of year again. The Maize
Pages are about to enter the terrible twos and well,
TMP only functions best when it is updated. That's
why i am calling for all teams to check TMP entry (
<a href=http://www.umich.edu/~uac/mac/maize/directory.html target=new>http://www.umich.edu/~uac/mac/maize/directory.html</a>) and make sure it is completely up-to-date. This
means your contact email address, your website, the
whole nine yards. If you have changes (or everything's
jake) please then email me at cdbarker_at_... and
we'll get the newest information up ASAP.
what's that you say...Your team isn't LISTED on The
Maize Pages? Well, we can rectify that too. Go to
<a href=http://www.umich.edu/~uac/mac/maize/submit.html target=new>http://www.umich.edu/~uac/mac/maize/submit.html</a> and take care of that
Remember, the Maize
Pages are your pages too. if you see something that
needs fixing, tell me and we'll get it done post haste.
Here's to another great year of TMP.