Hold on Smokie,
What exactly is the
purpose of this post? Do you wish to flame NAQT? Wash U?
Do you wish the world to know you are better than
18.76 per game?
>From my view, NAQT did a job of
running a tournament up to its usual standards. Wash U
did an EXCELLENT job of hosting. And Kentucky did
quite well placing 8th. Assuming there was a mistake,
perhaps writing someone at NAQT to inquire would be a
more fruitful approach.
But remember this is a
team game. Your team's overall ranking was not
influenced by the points that were maliciously taken from
I congratulate you on your placing and
ask you just simply take personal pleasure in knowing
that you should have been credited for 24 PPG, not 19!
There is no need to criticize an organization which
forfeited the right to play so that all the others teams
could play.