Not to stir up a subject here but as the writer
of a couple of the questions that apparently are
impeachable I'd like to explain my thinking. I have a normal
interest in sports that is approximately equivalent to the
next guy's. I don't however feel the need nor the
desire to spend time memorizing who won the RBI title in
1945 (insert instanteous response from 2/3 of the
group here). I think that you can get plenty of
mainstream sports questions throughout a trash tournament as
well as regular tournaments. I personally like to stir
things up; if for no other reason than to see the looks
on the faces of the above mentioned 2/3 when faced
with a question about sports that they can't
automatically get, a look that I have when someone pulls out
some obscure statistic.
Matt (who once
submitted a question on Calvinball to help fill a sports
requirement with no shame whatsoever)