BONUS 11. Since only about 30 people a week manage to watch an XFL game, demonstrate your awareness of semi-pro football by giving the Arena Football team name, [emphasize] _past_ or _present_, for any 5 of the following 8 cities. You'll get 5 points for each team with a 5-point bonus for 5 correct. Please match cities to team names. Cities: Albany, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Houston, Indianapolis, New York, Nashville, Toronto. A: Albany FIREBIRDS, Detroit FURY, Grand Rapids RAMPAGE, Houston THUNDERBEARS, Indianapolis FIREBIRDS, New York DRAGONS, Nashville KATS, Oklahoma WRANGLERS, Toronto PHANTOMS 19. Its spring training time (at least when this question was written) and that means comebacks, comebacks, comebacks. For 10 points each, answer these questions about the latest comeback attempts. a) Long known for his frightening play in Fenway Parks left field, this man known as the Gator is attempting a comeback as a minor league player and coach for the Reds. A: Mike GREENWELL b) This man, attempting a comeback with the Yankees, last pitched in 1997 for the Astros, ending a career plagued with weight-related knee and stamina problems. A: Sid FERNANDEZ c) This man, who retired in 1999 after being diagnosed with Lupus, has signed a minor league contract with the Expos and recently got to play against his son in an exhibition game against the Orioles. A: Tim RAINES So we have six questions. I'd argue, furthermore, that the pickleball TU is only dubiously a sports question, that the SI Swimsuit Issue and fictional sports ones are not sports questions at all, and that the baseball player question was bonus #19, effectively removing it from the pack. This leaves two unimpeachable sports questions -- which I must admit doesn't seem to be within guidelines to me. But I'm not trying to take sides here, if the matter were even worth the making of sides -- simply presenting the evidence and hoping everyone just lets it go. Sorry for taking up space on the message board with this, --Erik Nielsen BU Class of 2003 In whose room there was a 7-0 consensus in the Match Game round, in favor of him as the most annoying person on the team.
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