PACKET GUIDELINES: History: 4 (tossups and boni) Literature: 4 Science: 4 The Arts: 3 Religion/Myth/Phil: 3 Geography: 2 Current Events: 2 Trash/Sports/GK: 2 Social Science: 2 Total: 26 tossups and boni Organize questions by category and remember to capitalize and _underscore_ essential information in your answers. We expect experienced players to edit these packets and even help freshmen and sophomores write -- we don't care who writes, so long as we receive usable packets. Also, we will give a complete set of SNEWT V packets to anyone who sends us a packet but does not play (However, we will not award free packets to teams who submit a packet and tell us they plan to come, but then cancel). Do not send us: 1) FAQTP tossups 2) Spelling tossups or boni 3) One part all-or-nothing boni 4) Boni worth more or less than 30 pts 5) Multiple Choice or Ordering or Binary boni 6) Boni that require more than four team consultations 7) Questions requiring either audio or visual aids Avoid questions about the Trite and the Trivial (highways; area codes; flag trivia). A good rule: if you wouldn't want it read to you, don't write it for someone else to listen to. Sci fi lit, _Simpsons_, _Maxim_, all pop music, and all sports will count as pop culture/sports/GK. Give clues in a way that will reward knowledge of the category by which you classify your question. For example: -- If you write a question about Richard Nixon and count it as history, not pop culture, do _NOT_ begin by mentioning his appearances on _The Simpsons_. -- If you write a question on Sartre's _No Exit_ and count it as lit, not pop culture, do _NOT_ begin with a lead-in about the Blondie album. Vary your answers within categories: We don't want packets with multiple questions on Impressionist painters or Greek politicians. Also, vary your kinds of answers: Don't send us packets in which more than 1/2 of the answers are people's names. Remember, only freshmen and sophomores will compete at SNEWT VI: Make your packets challenging, but not too difficult . . . Finally, we reserve the right to reject packets that: 1) Ignore our guidelines 2) Have been read or written by members of more than one team 3) Are of extremely low quality Please send all packets as an attachment that Microsoft Word (PC version) can read or in the text of an email message to me <aduenas1_at_...>. Thanks for your time; we look forward to hearing from you soon. Ascencion Duenas President, Swarthmore College Bowl
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