GW is putting out a call for freelance packets
for our high school tournament, George Gamow Memorial
II, which is tentatively scheduled for late
October-early November 2001.
In exchange for freelance
packets, submitters will receive one complete tournament's
worth of questions of the submitter's choice from
anything GW has hosted (not counting NAQT,
Packets should be written in ACF format, with the target
difficulty around range of NAQT's invitational sets/Gamow
last year/less difficult than PACE nationals or NAQT
nationals, but not by a lot.
The distribution should
be as follows:
4/4 Literature
4/4 Science
4/4 Religion/Myth/Philosophy
Fine Arts
4/4 Social Science/Law/Geography
Pop Culture/Sports/Other
questions should NOT be written in lightning-round one-line
fashion. All bonuses should be worth a maximum 30 points
available and all tossups will be worth 10 points. Just
because these are high school questions doesn't mean they
should be trite; writers should hold themselves to the
same standards as they would for collegiate