Steve wrote:
>Um, is the ACF question
any harder though? It's not like there are many well
known books with characters named "Doc" that the main
character marries. Seems like both are kinda jumbled and
reward people (like me!) who havent read the work.
That's an interesting point. My only personal experience
with "B. at T." was seeing most of the film on TV when
I was about 20. I would never, ever have remembered
either "Doc" or "Lula Mae Barnes", especially since I
haven't played regular-season QB since '96. In fact, the
only two things I remember about the film are Mickey
Rooney attempting to portray a Japanese man, and Holly
G. deciding to not abandon her cat in the rain after
all (as a cat lover, I was bawling by then.)
wonder how many people of current traditional college
age went out and either read the book or rented the
movie right after Deep Blue Something hit the top 40
with "Breakfast at Tiffany's" a few years back. I have
a hypothesis that that's about when the question
became canonical. Eric H., if you're out there, do you
have a record of the number of times that title's
appeared in tournaments in the last 10 years, and if
there's been a big increase, when it came